The Virginia Tech research team would like to thank all our founding Industry Advisory Board (IAB) members and SWIM members. We are grateful for their valuable time in guiding the vission and mission of the SWIM Center.
SWIM Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Members

David Fletcher
Affiliation: Applied Felts
Contact: applieddaf(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Trenchless Pipeline Rehabilitation, Infrastructure Market Assessment , Water and Wastewater Cured in Place Pipe

Celine Hyer
Affiliation: Arcadis
Contact: celine.hyer(a)
General Areas of Expertise: Asset Management Plans and Implementation, Condition Assessments, Risk Based Replacement Planning, Capital Project Prioritization and Strategic Planning

Larry Catalano
Affiliation: Aurora Water, Colorado
Contact: lcatalan(a)
General Areas of Expertise: Water Condition Assessement Technologies and Management practices, Wastewater Renewal Engineering Technologies and Mangement

Timothy A. Mitchell
Affiliation: City of Lynchburg
Contact: timothy.mitchell(a)
General Areas of Expertise: Government Management, Combined Sewer Overflow, Wastewater Treatment, Regulatory Compliance, Capital Planning, Enterprise Fund Budgets, Water Quality Program, Dam Safety

John Marciszewski
Affiliation: Echologics
Contact: JMarciszewski(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Asset Management, Water-Energy Nexus, Condition Assessment Technologies for Water Pipelines

Grant Whittle
Affiliation: Reline America
Contact: gwhittleal(a)
General Areas of Expertise: Structural Behavior of Pipes and Pipeliners, Rehabilitation and Renewal Engineering, Baseline Condition Assessment of Infrastructure

Matt Stolte
Affiliation: Town of Blacksburg, Virginia
Contact: mstolte(a)
General Areas of Expertise: Capacity and Condition Assessment of Water and Wastewater Conveyance Systems, Remote Data Collection, Performance Monitoring, Renewal Engineering Decision-making, Asset Management
SWIM Board Members

Richard Mueller
Affiliation: ACPPA
Contact: rmueller(a)
General Areas of Expertise:
ACPPA President

Bernard P. Krzys
Affiliation: Benjamin Media
Contact: bkrzys(at)
General Areas of Expertise: President & Publisher, Benajmin Media, Inc.

Ahmad Habibian
Affiliation: Black and Veatch
Contact: HabibianA(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Infrastructure Management, Pipeline condition assessment, Pipeline Rehabilitation, Trenchless Technology

Richard Nelson
Affiliation: CH2M Hill
Contact: Rick.Nelson(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Buried Infrastructure Systems for Municipalities, Utilities, and Industry, Infrastructure Planning and Modeling for Water and Wastewater Systems, Condition Assessment

Terrance M. Brueck
Affiliation: EMA
Contact: tbrueck(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Strategic Planning, Business Strategy, Integrated Information Technology Planning and Implementation,Benchmarking, and Performance Improvement Programs, Process Control Systems and Facility Automation

Gage Muckleroy
Affiliation: GHD
Contact: gage.muckleroy(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Infrastructure Asset Management

Sudhir Mishra
Affiliation: Professor, IIT Kanpur
Contact: sud(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Durability and deterioration of concrete structures, Non-destructive testing, Concrete materials

Ted Deboda
Affiliation: NASSCO
Contact: director(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Infrastructure Condition Assessment, Pipeline Renewal and Rehabilitation, Municipal Engineering and Operations, and Regulatory Compliance

Robert Carpenter
Affiliation: Oildom Publishing
Contact: rcarpenter(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Underground Construction Editor

David Russell
Affiliation: Russell NDE Systems Inc.
Contact: drussell(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Russell NDE Systems Inc. President

Anna Pridmore
Affiliation: Structural Technologies
Contact: apridmore(at)
General Areas of Expertise: structural engineering, advanced composites, design and material science

Bruce Hollands
Affiliation: Uni-Bell
Contact: BHollands(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Public Policy, Corrosion-proof PVC Pipe, Sewer and Irrigation Infrastructure, Government Relations, Public Affairs and Business Development, Asset Management

Walter Graf
Affiliation: WERF
Contact: wgraf(at)
General Areas of Expertise: Infrastructure Strategic Asset Management, Asset Management Training and Consulting Services, Financial Analyses and Financing Strategies