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SWIM Research Team


Sunil Sinha, Ph.D.

Research Interests:Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Systems, Asset Management, Cyber Infrastructure, Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Sensor Informatics, Information Visualization, Subsurface Utility Engineering, Rehabilitation and Renewal Engineering.
Email: ssinha(at)


Marc Edwards, Ph.D.

Research Interests: Environmental Chemistry, Water and Wastewater Treatment Design, Environmental Engineering
Email: edwardsm(at)

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jai Jung, Ph.D.

Research Interests: Soil Behavior, Soil-Geostructure Behavior, Soil-Pipe Interaction, Pipe Response to Permanent Ground Deformation, Fundamental Soil Properties, Geostructure Analysis, Material Non-Linear Behavior, Numerical Analysis, Pipeline Infrastructure System, Asset Management, Condition Assessment, Renewal Engineering
Email: jai.k.jung(at)

Current Graduate Students

Sowmya Bhimanadhuni, M.S. Student

Research Interests: Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Asset Management.
Email: bsowmya(at)

Bhaskar Dasari, M.S. Student

Research Interests: Database and platforms, data standardization, GIS.
Email: dvams91(at)

Shaoqing Ge, Ph.D. Student

Research Interests: Hydraulic structural analysis, Slope Stability Analysis, Discontinuous Deformation Analysis, Numerical Model for Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe
Email: geshao(at)