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Technical Publications

  1. Gay*, L. F., and Sinha, S.K., (2013). “Effective Resilience Assessment Methodology for Water Utilities (ERASMUS)”, Critical Infrastructure Symposium, April 2013, West Point, NY. (Paper on CD-ROM)
  2. Welling*, S., and Sinha, S. K., (2013). “Synthesis of Cost Analysis for Condition Assessment and Renewal Engineering Technologies,” Water Environment Federation and American Water Works Association Utility Management Conference, March 10-13, Glendale, Arizona. (Paper on CD-ROM)
  3. Rathor*, A., and Sinha, S. K., (2013). “Performance Benchmarking of Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities,” AWWA Utility Management Conference, March 2013, Phoenix, Arizona. (Paper on CD-ROM)
  4. Sinha, S. K., Thiti, A., and St Clair, A. (2012). ‘Predicting the Remaining Life of Drinking Water and Wastewater Pipes,’ NSF CMMI Conf., Boston, Massachusetts.
  5. Gay*, L. F., and Sinha, S.K., (2011). ‘Development of Robust Resiliency Index for Water Infrastructure System”, AWWA Water Security Conference, Sept. 2011, Nashville, Tennessee. (Paper on CD-ROM)

For more information, please contact Dr.Sunil Sinha at ssinha(at)